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Jumat, 14 September 2012

Be a Detective

oke, untuk post ini gue nggak akan speak english. because what?! ini terlalu menggebu-gebu untuk dikatakan dalam bahasa inggris (read: kalau pakai bahasa inggris ceritanya jadi belibet) #okesip

nah BARUSAN! gua iseng buka facebook adek gue yang entah kenapa-kenapa gue iseng. jadi tiba-tiba (drum roll) gue lihat sesuatu yang bikin miris! you know what?! statusnya itu in a relationship (ehm) IN A RELATIONSHIP!

cukup gila apa coba?! gila karna alasan apa?!

- adek gua kelas 6 SD! catet SD!
- kelas 6 identik dengan apa?! UN!
- lo tau gue dapet gelar apa?! JONES, MBAH MBLO!

so lo tau dong kenapa itu termasuk hal GILA! gue aja belum pernah pacaran! karna itu gue langsung tweet ke kakak gue karna TERLALU shock! yang bunyinya:
"brow! brow! adek brow adek! @agorlanda (disertai foto diatas)"

oke karna terlalu penasaran gue coba terlusuri sendiri. makanya judulnya Be a Detective. eits gue bukan kepo! tapi khawatir!
awalnya gue buka paksa facebooknya si ega, dugaan awal gue sih pacarnya si ega namanya sintia. karna apa?! dulu fofo contact sintia di hp si ega itu love-love gicyuuuuuuuu -________-
setelah gue broke up passwordnya, gue liat message-nya! pertama gua nemu message dia sama sobatnya 3 jam yang lalu! yang inti pembicaraannya: 

D: ga sia pacar ang sabananyo?
E: tari
D: oh ndak sintia do?
E: indak
D : baa tu? tapi sehidup semati?
E: ndak jadi do"
 *nb : kayaknya sobatnya naksir tari jugaaa =))

abis itu, gua liat messagenya dia sama sintia (ex-gebet) tanggal 1 September 2012:

E: sin plizz ha pacaran wak yo
S:  baa yo
E: iyo selaaah
S: ndak do ga, awak sd baru kalau smp nio den mah
E: tu dulu baa?
S: dulu tu alah babeda samo kini
E: heee pacaran selah waak. plizz
S: ndak do ga. tolong lah mengerti perasaan sintia ini (eaak) | (blahblahblah)" 

wuahahaa, ngakak tobat gue! abis itu convers nya yang baru itu gini:

E : sin, aden panggil waang adiak yo. tapi ndak pc do temaan
S : ee ndak do imbau se namo den
E: susah nyabuik namo waang tu
S: SIN imbau se itu
E: ee adiak se yo tu waang imbau den abang
S: matilah awak samo gadang imbau namo selaah
E : kan kawannyo mah | (and blahblahblah)

oke nggak perlu lengkap-lengkap convers-nya. jadi mereka panggil abang-adek. ini yang buat gue ketawa sampai mirip hayley williams. awwww kurang so sweet apa coba? abang-adek?! bunuh aja adek lagi bang atau salah terus adek dimata abang kenal kata-kata itu dong ya. nah itu yang bikin gue ngakak. nggak kebayang anak SD gitu ngomongnya =))

kembali ke si tari. sekarang gue tau namanya ceweknya tari (ehm) TARI. langsung gue cari di friend-nya. ketik "tari" hasilnya "no result (HVFT). abis itu tanpa putus asa (eaak) gue search di group kelasnya, hasilnya?! NIHIL. sempet mikir. mata gue tertuju pada sebuah benda kotak-kotak bertombol! HP-nya! search tari and you know what?! I got her number. seiseng mungkin gue sms si tari. eh dibales (evil laugh) convers-nya:

G : Hm
T : ni cp??? (alay ternyata)
G : ini tari ya?
T : ya :) kl0 st cp??
G : kenal ega (peduli gue kenalin diri?!)
T : knl :)
G : pacarnya ya? :D
T : k0k tau???
G : (harus gue jawab karna bapakmu?!) nggak nebak aja
T : 0h, mangnya km cp???
G : bukan siapa-siapa kok
T : ngak, nama km tu cp??
G : tari, sejak kapan sih jadian sama ega?
T : mang km tu cp??
G : teman ega
T : ya cp nama km tu??
G : hm, kasih aja nama facebook kamu, ntar kenalannya di fb aja. okeh? (modus)
T : ngak!! aku maunya skrng??
G : kasih tau kamu kapan jadian sama ega dulu (modus lagi)
T : ngak!!! ksh tau dl cp nama km???
G : kasih tau kapan jadian dulu
T : ngak!!! nm kmu dl...................(titik)
G : (kurang banyak apa coba itu titik-titik pakai dijelasin segala) huh malas ah ngomong sama tari. sombong
T : ya, km tu perempuan atau laki laki???
G : lk. dan kasih tau kapan kamu jadian lagi. pliss (atas dasar apa gue harus memohon)
T : dah lm k0k!!
G : sejak kapan? bulan septembar juga ya? wah iri (eaaak)
T : ya??? pk0knya dah lm :) nama km cp???
G : hee sejak kapan tu?
T : mulai-mulai org scool lah :) cp sih nm km???

oke sip semuanya terungkap! ega punya pacar. dan udah lama. apa yang harus gue lakuin sebagai kakak yang baik?
a. kaduin mama
b. kaduin papa
c. kaduin mama papa
d. biarin :/

hvft, saat ini gue sedang dalam kondisi miris karna diapit oleh saudara yang tak menjomblo .____.

Selasa, 11 September 2012




Minggu, 09 September 2012

Comic Recomendation

KYAAAA!! I just meet and read a new comic. for you all comic-addict, I say it to you:


so much, this comic is very interesting. and for you all teenager, this very cool comic
okay, I'm so speechless. I just want to say that comic title is:


I know this is too late for introducing this comic, because I know all of you already read this comic. I have know this comic from my classmate and I search it on online comic. I read that comic and what? guess what?! I can't stop reading (kyaaa!) and I was so curious. Now, I can't wait to see the 4th volume because I just read until 3rd volume. and than, when everyone waiting for the 9th volume, I try to find the 4th volume (fighting for me) and that's all. I tell you, the characters above are very sweet. dreamed couple so much =))

Wish You Were Here

I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, It's not like that at all

Theres a girl who gives a shit
Behind this wall
You just walk through it

And I remember all those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here.

I love the way you are
It's who I am don't have to try hard
We always say, Say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here.

No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
Let go, Oh, Oh,

No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
Let go, Let go, Let go...

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here 
I don't know why, I like this song so much. Don't think this my feeling and what I feeling. I just like this song.
that's all

Promotion =))

Follow me! Follow me! wuahahahaha ^..^

I realized.....

I realized.....................


I'm a...................

Rage faces addict.............

(just a joke)

I've REMEMBER that!

oh my God I get stuck on my brain. I must share something!!
my crazy self is back!! everything is going annoying, just for a moment not permanent. really. I want to tell something

hear it, I've remember something. you know periodic system, yeah at chemistry you'll find this. and you know what?! (alhamdulillah) I CAN REMEMBER THE GROUP A. that's very awesome feeling when I see at my notepad, no correction anymore

you can see how I try to remembering this, and KYAAAAAAAA!!!

no correction (ehm) NO CORRETION!

1. I will always remember this
2. I also can remember the Group B
3. *other expectation is coming soon*

Sabtu, 01 September 2012


woaah! how's great that title? you know what? I'm not junior high school student anymore. I wear grey skirt wohoooo!!! the best think?! I joined with the best shs in my city town. i'm so happy!!
I know this is too late for waiting about this, but I tell you "nothing to do" yeah so yeaaaah
firstly, I want to tell you how I pass from my old school. I get a good mark (yeapy!) and I do test for entering that's school. and yeaah! cool right?and my class is X.1 or MUSTACHE! I can't say all of that hear because I can't arrange to a good story. but I give you my photos when I wear my uniform ^..^

at class
grey grey grey!

I'm back :D

hey all!!
long time not writing and blogging walking. Missing one of my favorite site because i'm so busy with my study and I know that's not very important for you I swear!
and know, tonight (at Indonesia) I don't what should I do because I can't sleep. I'm not sleepy. do you think facebook? BIG NO I get boring of facebook. how about twitter? okaay but?! no friend. hvft that's all
so say nothing to me. hoaaam!