Mengenai Saya
- Celya Ayu Pradipta
- Tukang Desain - Tukang Gambar Kartun - Tukang Foto Pemandangan Bagus - [Cukup] Bisa Nyayi - Pemain Gitar Gagal - Paramore - prn's
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
How to spell "M I S S Y O U"
We are not in the same school anymore..
We are not in the same class anymore..
I'll missing that moment :D
Selasa, 12 Juni 2012
Selena Gomez and The Chipettes
I like Selena's song umm "Love you Like a Song"
and I found Selena version and The chipettes version (the chipmunk girl)
who's better? hahaha just kidding
Selene of course :D
This is Selena's version:
and this, The chipettes version:
and I found Selena version and The chipettes version (the chipmunk girl)
who's better? hahaha just kidding
Selene of course :D
This is Selena's version:
Hayley Williams ft. Florian Gilbon
I found this video a minute ago
and you know what?
without a stage, Hayley still perfect singing ignorance!
oh my God! can you hear that voice?!
so perfectly beautiful!
and that's Taylor and Jerm with "ooooo"
Ignorance is your new bestfriend
Ignorance is your new bestfriend
woooohoo *prok prok prok*
and you know what?
without a stage, Hayley still perfect singing ignorance!
oh my God! can you hear that voice?!
so perfectly beautiful!
and that's Taylor and Jerm with "ooooo"
Ignorance is your new bestfriend
Ignorance is your new bestfriend
woooohoo *prok prok prok*
Senin, 11 Juni 2012
Paramore In the Studio
and paramore are working at studio for making their new album
they also posted some photos from studio and make me can't wait to "daydreaming" (em) DAYDREAMING!!
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what are you writing baout hayley? |
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>..< |
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eating time! |
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who's there? OMG TAYLOR! |
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taylor *..* |
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speechless! |
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that's really hayley |
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stop screaming! |
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taylor said "Here you go, ladies" me : Screaming! TAYLOR!! TAYLOR!! |
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heyloo Justin Meldal :D |
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great. nice shot taylor -__-" |
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love that guys :D |
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ahaha, what happen with the recording? |
really? you can't wait too?
yeaah same with me!
Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012
Kode Chat Facebook Terbaru
here we are. pasti udah pada banyak yang tau kode-kode chat facebook yang baru, keren, unik, bagus semuanya deh pokoknya. kalau gitu gue cuma mau repost ulang dan mencakup semuanya :D
tinggal di copy terus paste di chatbox kalian :D
xat emoticon:
[[xatstraw]] = raw
[[xatraging]] = angry
[[xatrage]] = scream
[[xatono]] = yawn
[[xatbeye]] = ugh
[[xatcomeon]] = come on
[[coolhehe]] = cool
[[xatmutter]] = huh
[[xatcry2]] = cry
[[xatevil]] = evil
[[xatfan]] = fans
[[xatflip]] = flip
[[xatcd]] = listening
[[xated]] = (xat)
[[xatpray]] = (pray)
[[xatredface]] = (redface)
[[xatmaniac]] = (maniac)
[[xatsmirk]] = (smirk)
[[xatshock]] = (shock)
[[xatmad]] = (mad)
[[xatxd]] = (xd)
[[xatcrying]] = (crying)
[[xatwary]] = (wary)
[[144685078974802]] – Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] – Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] – Shin chan
[[148935948523684]] – Pedo Bear
[[269153023141273]] – Poring
[[100001076048283]] = shin-chan
[[326134990738733]] = Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] = Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] = Nobita
[[157680577671754]] = Angry Bird
[[250128751720149]] = domo
[[249199828481201]] = Konata Izumi
[[223328504409723]] = Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] = Pokeball
[[138529122927104]] = Pedo Bear
[[332936966718584]] = Hello Kitty
[[252497564817075]] = Kerokeroppi
[[297354436976262]] = Santa Claus
rage face:
[[129627277060203]] = POKER FACE
[[100002727365206]] = CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
[[171108522930776]] = troll face
[[211782832186415]] = Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] = ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
[[169919399735055]] = not bad obama
[[142670085793927]] = mother of god
[[170815706323196]] = cereal guys
[[168456309878025]] = lol face
[[167359756658519]] = no guy
[[177903015598419]] = forever alone
[[148578318584679]] = it's okay
[[309795212383816]] = watch out, badass
[[149333368464171]] = Yao
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO
[[224812970902314]] = derp
[[192644604154319]] = derpina
[[305710872791586]] = imposibruh
[[219611504753863]] = all the y
[[154936547887417]] = tree
[[f9.ghost]] = ghost
[[chat.maho]] = maho
[[ladygaga]] = lady gaga
[[eminem]] = eminem
[[67253243887]] = justin bieber
[[zuck]] = mark zuckerberg
[[202941843073000]] = hayley williams
[[182214121830398]] = taylor york
[[206509692704163]] = jeremy davis
[[paramore]] = paramore
cute emoticon:
[[345533462139449]] = bad mood
[[308300382542918]] = calm
[[309626999060642]] = binar-binar
[[263022747090798]] = hai
[[200102950080196]] = hwaa (cry)
[[158227984284324]] = mad
[[114550798664378]] = cool
[[299734090065127]] = omg
[[350421394973827]] = shy
[[208296672587372]] = doa (pray)
[[157844747656241]] = etc
[[158207970952008]] = argh!
[[241721525896214]] = grr
[[113519815433465]] = happy
[[239939099411255]] = joke
[[346508562029170]] = kedip
[[185298018232820]] = hmmm
[[239249926147852]] = fiuuh
[[332418196786941]] = shok
[[328430820514942]] = tear
[[222287944513884]] = we
[[164481350318329]] = peace
[[330544910308348]] = zzz
[[267658843290223]] = bored
[[180154485416003]] = really happy
[[221390677938174]] = whatever
[[269394746450013]] = TT
[[222023621206273]] = sick
[[346372985378735]] = fallin' in love
[[187322684697844]] = no
[[208533842565519]] = sneezes
[[266659030060927]] = down
[[124206401029136]] = Windows icon
[[124208857695557]] = Apple Logo
[[yahoo]] = yahoo
[[google]] = google
[[facebook]] = facebook
[[kaskus]] = kaskus
[[amazon]] = amazon
[[youtube]] = you tube
[[googlechrome]] = google chrome
[[opera]] = opera mini
[[internetexplorer]] = internet explorer
[[flock]] = flock
[[microsoft]] = m.s
[[microsoftword]] = m.s word
[[microsoftexcel]] = m.s excel
[[microsoftpowerpoint]] = m.s powe point
[[megaxus]] = megaxus
[[grandchase]] = grandchase
[[indovision]] = indovisioin
[[history]] = history
[[sony]] = sonny
[[nokia]] = nokia
[[telkomsel]] = telkomsel
[[windows]] = windows
[[transformer]] = transformes
[[itones]] = iTunes
[[photosop]] = photoshop
[[2231777543]] = twitter
[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[115636698451811]] = J
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y
[[196920740401785]] - A
[[113544575430999]] - B
[[294715893904555]] - C
[[294660140569858]] - D
[[328415510520892]] - E
[[270221906368791]] - F
[[212614922155016]] - G
[[205633882856736]] - H
[[256255337773105]] - I
[[288138264570038]] - J
[[296999947008863]] - K
[[216672855078917]] - L
[[278786215503631]] - M
[[241341589270741]] - N
[[312524205448755]] - O
[[200138403410055]] - P
[[165410113558613]] - Q
[[203403609746433]] - R
[[334427926570136]] - S
[[250632158335643]] - T
[[285985351447161]] - U
[[343627398996642]] - V
[[315740851791114]] - W
[[136342506479536]] - X
[[224173507657194]] - Y
[[317710424919150]] – Z
[[244961858909298]] = A
[[344113652270150]] = B
[[344991278847613]] = C
[[164461493653696]] = D
[[196752423751220]] = E
[[301630573215430]] = F
[[251496118250464]] = G
[[266394220086654]] = H
[[164866556948132]] = I
[[180599335371968]] = J
[[209067005843651]] = K
[[238594039545396]] = L
[[147702285338528]] = M
[[309221402452022]] = N
[[180901405340714]] = O
[[246506925416551]] = P
[[333343613344059]] = Q
[[123128367803569]] = R
[[316143388416019]] = S
[[334073456605673]] = T
[[199626093460643]] = U
[[224202614323263]] = V
[[336032459740792]] = W
[[205228226232732]] = X
[[142420399202282]] = Y
[[157919817645224]] = Z
kalau ada yang gagal maaf ya :D
tinggal di copy terus paste di chatbox kalian :D
xat emoticon:
[[xatstraw]] = raw
[[xatraging]] = angry
[[xatrage]] = scream
[[xatono]] = yawn
[[xatbeye]] = ugh
[[xatcomeon]] = come on
[[coolhehe]] = cool
[[xatmutter]] = huh
[[xatcry2]] = cry
[[xatevil]] = evil
[[xatfan]] = fans
[[xatflip]] = flip
[[xatcd]] = listening
[[xated]] = (xat)
[[xatpray]] = (pray)
[[xatredface]] = (redface)
[[xatmaniac]] = (maniac)
[[xatsmirk]] = (smirk)
[[xatshock]] = (shock)
[[xatmad]] = (mad)
[[xatxd]] = (xd)
[[xatcrying]] = (crying)
[[xatwary]] = (wary)
[[144685078974802]] – Mojacko
[[334954663181745]] – Spongebob
[[196431117116365]] – Shin chan
[[148935948523684]] – Pedo Bear
[[269153023141273]] – Poring
[[100001076048283]] = shin-chan
[[326134990738733]] = Pikachu
[[155393057897143]] = Doraemon
[[224502284290679]] = Nobita
[[157680577671754]] = Angry Bird
[[250128751720149]] = domo
[[249199828481201]] = Konata Izumi
[[223328504409723]] = Gintoki Sakata
[[236147243124900]] = Pokeball
[[138529122927104]] = Pedo Bear
[[332936966718584]] = Hello Kitty
[[252497564817075]] = Kerokeroppi
[[297354436976262]] = Santa Claus
rage face:
[[129627277060203]] = POKER FACE
[[100002727365206]] = CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
[[171108522930776]] = troll face
[[211782832186415]] = Me Gusta
[[143220739082110]] = ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
[[169919399735055]] = not bad obama
[[142670085793927]] = mother of god
[[170815706323196]] = cereal guys
[[168456309878025]] = lol face
[[167359756658519]] = no guy
[[177903015598419]] = forever alone
[[148578318584679]] = it's okay
[[309795212383816]] = watch out, badass
[[149333368464171]] = Yao
[[FapFapFapFap.B]] = Fap Fap Fap Fap
[[214457085240151]] = Nothing to do here
[[106043532814443]] = Y U NO
[[224812970902314]] = derp
[[192644604154319]] = derpina
[[305710872791586]] = imposibruh
[[219611504753863]] = all the y
[[154936547887417]] = tree
[[f9.ghost]] = ghost
[[chat.maho]] = maho
[[ladygaga]] = lady gaga
[[eminem]] = eminem
[[67253243887]] = justin bieber
[[zuck]] = mark zuckerberg
[[202941843073000]] = hayley williams
[[182214121830398]] = taylor york
[[206509692704163]] = jeremy davis
[[paramore]] = paramore
cute emoticon:
[[345533462139449]] = bad mood
[[308300382542918]] = calm
[[309626999060642]] = binar-binar
[[263022747090798]] = hai
[[200102950080196]] = hwaa (cry)
[[158227984284324]] = mad
[[114550798664378]] = cool
[[299734090065127]] = omg
[[350421394973827]] = shy
[[208296672587372]] = doa (pray)
[[157844747656241]] = etc
[[158207970952008]] = argh!
[[241721525896214]] = grr
[[113519815433465]] = happy
[[239939099411255]] = joke
[[346508562029170]] = kedip
[[185298018232820]] = hmmm
[[239249926147852]] = fiuuh
[[332418196786941]] = shok
[[328430820514942]] = tear
[[222287944513884]] = we
[[164481350318329]] = peace
[[330544910308348]] = zzz
[[267658843290223]] = bored
[[180154485416003]] = really happy
[[221390677938174]] = whatever
[[269394746450013]] = TT
[[222023621206273]] = sick
[[346372985378735]] = fallin' in love
[[187322684697844]] = no
[[208533842565519]] = sneezes
[[266659030060927]] = down
[[124206401029136]] = Windows icon
[[124208857695557]] = Apple Logo
[[yahoo]] = yahoo
[[google]] = google
[[facebook]] = facebook
[[kaskus]] = kaskus
[[amazon]] = amazon
[[youtube]] = you tube
[[googlechrome]] = google chrome
[[opera]] = opera mini
[[internetexplorer]] = internet explorer
[[flock]] = flock
[[microsoft]] = m.s
[[microsoftword]] = m.s word
[[microsoftexcel]] = m.s excel
[[microsoftpowerpoint]] = m.s powe point
[[megaxus]] = megaxus
[[grandchase]] = grandchase
[[indovision]] = indovisioin
[[history]] = history
[[sony]] = sonny
[[nokia]] = nokia
[[telkomsel]] = telkomsel
[[windows]] = windows
[[transformer]] = transformes
[[itones]] = iTunes
[[photosop]] = photoshop
[[2231777543]] = twitter
[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[115636698451811]] = J
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y
[[196920740401785]] - A
[[113544575430999]] - B
[[294715893904555]] - C
[[294660140569858]] - D
[[328415510520892]] - E
[[270221906368791]] - F
[[212614922155016]] - G
[[205633882856736]] - H
[[256255337773105]] - I
[[288138264570038]] - J
[[296999947008863]] - K
[[216672855078917]] - L
[[278786215503631]] - M
[[241341589270741]] - N
[[312524205448755]] - O
[[200138403410055]] - P
[[165410113558613]] - Q
[[203403609746433]] - R
[[334427926570136]] - S
[[250632158335643]] - T
[[285985351447161]] - U
[[343627398996642]] - V
[[315740851791114]] - W
[[136342506479536]] - X
[[224173507657194]] - Y
[[317710424919150]] – Z
[[244961858909298]] = A
[[344113652270150]] = B
[[344991278847613]] = C
[[164461493653696]] = D
[[196752423751220]] = E
[[301630573215430]] = F
[[251496118250464]] = G
[[266394220086654]] = H
[[164866556948132]] = I
[[180599335371968]] = J
[[209067005843651]] = K
[[238594039545396]] = L
[[147702285338528]] = M
[[309221402452022]] = N
[[180901405340714]] = O
[[246506925416551]] = P
[[333343613344059]] = Q
[[123128367803569]] = R
[[316143388416019]] = S
[[334073456605673]] = T
[[199626093460643]] = U
[[224202614323263]] = V
[[336032459740792]] = W
[[205228226232732]] = X
[[142420399202282]] = Y
[[157919817645224]] = Z
kalau ada yang gagal maaf ya :D
Telenovela Waktu Kecil yang Ngangenin :')
Masih ingat nggak sih waktu kecil dulu ada banyak banget telenovela yang suka banget kita nonton? gue sih masih ingat banget dan yang pasti kangen banget sama semua telenovela itu. rasanya pengen nonton lagi gitu. ahahahaha :p
berikut ni telenovela yang penge banget nonton lagi :
siapa coba yang nggak tau amigos? yang pemerannya ana sama pedro (kalau nggak salah). sampai hafal soundtrack lagunya. mmm "amigos ijos amigos de sempre blaa blaa" itu sih kosakata sendiri. paling ingat waktu part ana mau dipipisin kodok (?)
siapa yang nggak pernah nonton? atau lebih dikenal sama "dulce maria". ahaha jujur masih hafal sama ceitanya, dia ketemu sama mamanya di gudang sekolahnya. punya 2 musuh. waktu dia sakit parah. apalagi waktu dia manjat gedung apartement. siapa yang masih ingat?
nggal ketinggalan tante rambut palsu dengan sejuta wig terus suster cecilia. ahahaha >..<
yang nggak pernah nonton kasian banget. ini yang bikin trend rambut keriting dikucir. cerita si maria belen ini sedih juga sih. (kalau nggak salah) dia punya musuh yang musuhnya itu rambutnya dikucir terus ada rambut kan diri-diri gitu (?). sedihnya waktu maria belen ini dikurung di ruang bawah tanah. terus dia sedih :'(
si kembar ini berasal dari dua keluarga yang beda. yang sederhana mariana (keriting) yang kaya silvana (yang rambutnya warna warni) asik banget film-nya. walaupun akhirnya ganti pemain -__-"
nggak ingat ini nonton dimana. yang penting kalau udah ingat anak kecil pakai ikat rambut biru ingat pernah nonton dimana gitu -__-"
berikut ni telenovela yang penge banget nonton lagi :
siapa coba yang nggak tau amigos? yang pemerannya ana sama pedro (kalau nggak salah). sampai hafal soundtrack lagunya. mmm "amigos ijos amigos de sempre blaa blaa" itu sih kosakata sendiri. paling ingat waktu part ana mau dipipisin kodok (?)
siapa yang nggak pernah nonton? atau lebih dikenal sama "dulce maria". ahaha jujur masih hafal sama ceitanya, dia ketemu sama mamanya di gudang sekolahnya. punya 2 musuh. waktu dia sakit parah. apalagi waktu dia manjat gedung apartement. siapa yang masih ingat?
nggal ketinggalan tante rambut palsu dengan sejuta wig terus suster cecilia. ahahaha >..<
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muka imutnya itu loh!! |
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suster cecilia |
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tante rambut palsu. ahahaha >..< |
yang nggak pernah nonton kasian banget. ini yang bikin trend rambut keriting dikucir. cerita si maria belen ini sedih juga sih. (kalau nggak salah) dia punya musuh yang musuhnya itu rambutnya dikucir terus ada rambut kan diri-diri gitu (?). sedihnya waktu maria belen ini dikurung di ruang bawah tanah. terus dia sedih :'(
si kembar ini berasal dari dua keluarga yang beda. yang sederhana mariana (keriting) yang kaya silvana (yang rambutnya warna warni) asik banget film-nya. walaupun akhirnya ganti pemain -__-"
nggak ingat ini nonton dimana. yang penting kalau udah ingat anak kecil pakai ikat rambut biru ingat pernah nonton dimana gitu -__-"
Jumat, 01 Juni 2012
Postingan (Atom)