nothing very special in this photo
Mengenai Saya
- Celya Ayu Pradipta
- Tukang Desain - Tukang Gambar Kartun - Tukang Foto Pemandangan Bagus - [Cukup] Bisa Nyayi - Pemain Gitar Gagal - Paramore - prn's
Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012
No Title :|
Can you see your ear without a mirror?
Can you flying without a plane?
Can you lick your elbow?
Can you see your eyes without a mirror?
You can't do that?
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
Increase The Red One
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Orang Berpacar VS Orang Tak Berpacar
beberapa menit yang lalu.... (ehm)
posting dari dari DHIA UTHAMIE FERZA yang cuma bilang "kangen kalian" berubah menjadio ajang promosi pacar masing-masing. Yang berpacar? oke sah muji pacarnya. yang nggak?! cukup tau deh!
gini ni caranya orang BERPACAR promosiin pacarnya:
Disha yang udah berhasil backstreest selama 1 bulan muji-muji pacarnya si faldy. ntah apa alasannya muji si faldy ganteng :p pakai say pula. nggak naaaahaaan :p
ini ni si inad yang ternyata udah punya pacar. yang selama ini di ketawain inul sekarang udah berani muji pacarnya di dunia maya. ciee (oke gajee)
gimana caranya orang TAK BERPACAR promosi?!
ntah siapa maksud orang di ujung yang dimaksud orang ini. apa lagi menganggap TAYLOR YORK sebagai pacarnya. tragis :'(
cinta, ayah. tak berpacar ayah pun jadi :'(
dan yang kenal peni pasti tau orang yang dia maksud. lantai tiga di ujung itu looh!!
orang gaje:
semoga orang yang dikangen-kannya masih sesosok manusia. aaamiin :')
that's all. enjoy :D
posting dari dari DHIA UTHAMIE FERZA yang cuma bilang "kangen kalian" berubah menjadio ajang promosi pacar masing-masing. Yang berpacar? oke sah muji pacarnya. yang nggak?! cukup tau deh!
gini ni caranya orang BERPACAR promosiin pacarnya:
Disha yang udah berhasil backstreest selama 1 bulan muji-muji pacarnya si faldy. ntah apa alasannya muji si faldy ganteng :p pakai say pula. nggak naaaahaaan :p
ini ni si inad yang ternyata udah punya pacar. yang selama ini di ketawain inul sekarang udah berani muji pacarnya di dunia maya. ciee (oke gajee)
gimana caranya orang TAK BERPACAR promosi?!
ntah siapa maksud orang di ujung yang dimaksud orang ini. apa lagi menganggap TAYLOR YORK sebagai pacarnya. tragis :'(
cinta, ayah. tak berpacar ayah pun jadi :'(
dan yang kenal peni pasti tau orang yang dia maksud. lantai tiga di ujung itu looh!!
orang gaje:
semoga orang yang dikangen-kannya masih sesosok manusia. aaamiin :')
that's all. enjoy :D
Nisa Icha :D
uhm oke, selagi gue orangnya tepat janji dan tidak sombong dan baik dan tepat janji dan baik. Gue bakalan masuk NISA ICHA ke blog gue :D
Sesuai, nicak (panggilan) adalah teman sekelas gue sejak kelas 8. Kalau dalam permainan dia berperan sebagai anak gue. Singkat cerita nicak orangnya unik, lucu, dll yang dianggap perlu. low profile :p
thank you for joined my blog nichak :D jiakakak (utang lunas)
Name : Niswatul Hasanah P
Nickname : nicak
Sex : Female
My Future Job :')
barusan gue ngecek blog bena dan gue ketemu mainan baru. yaitu ramalan masa depan. abis ngakak ngeliat artis-artis yang di ramal si bena, gue jadi penasaran gimana gue yak?!
oke gue coba, danternyata hasilnya seperti dibawah ini
oke ini pekerjaan wah gue. nggak tau ini orang ngambil kesimpulan darimana gue harus jadi pakai keuangan (ehm) PAKAR KEUANGAN. secara jadi bendahara kelas aja uang pada hilang sama gue. gimana jadinya pakar keuangan?!
oke lanjut, setelah itu gue iseng nyoba nama kakak gue. dan hasilnya mau liat?!cekidot check it out!
tau banget ni orang si teteh banci salon. hahaha (ngakak guling-guling).
hmm, oke ini adek gue. Nggak tau kenapa ni orang jadiin ni anak operator wartel.oke that's all.
mau coba peruntungan pekerjaan check disini
eh disini aja
sebenarnya dua-duanya bisa sih >..<
oke gue coba, dan
oke ini pekerjaan wah gue. nggak tau ini orang ngambil kesimpulan darimana gue harus jadi pakai keuangan (ehm) PAKAR KEUANGAN. secara jadi bendahara kelas aja uang pada hilang sama gue. gimana jadinya pakar keuangan?!
oke lanjut, setelah itu gue iseng nyoba nama kakak gue. dan hasilnya mau liat?!
tau banget ni orang si teteh banci salon. hahaha (ngakak guling-guling).
hmm, oke ini adek gue. Nggak tau kenapa ni orang jadiin ni anak operator wartel.oke that's all.
mau coba peruntungan pekerjaan check disini
eh disini aja
sebenarnya dua-duanya bisa sih >..<
nb: jangan dipercaya hanya ramalan kocak untuk menghibur
bukan untuk dipercaya :D
happy 500th viewers \(^..^)/
Now Celya Paramore's blog have up than 500 viewers :D
Me, as a new blogger so thankful for your times reading my blog :D
Thank you for visiting guys and enjoy
Keep crazy :D
Celya Paramore
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Paramore at Grammy Awards
wow! that's all when Paramore became a nomination on grammy awards. so cool!
here some videos :D
Paramore at grammy nomination 2010
Paramore at grammy awards 2011
Hayley's Paramore at grammy nomination 2011
here some videos :D
Paramore at grammy nomination 2010
Paramore at grammy awards 2011
Hayley's Paramore at grammy nomination 2011
Hayley ft Fun - Some Body I Used To Know (cover)
how's life?
I've a video from, hayley covering some body I used to know ft fun at bbc radio 1 Live Lounge May 16th 2012. just listen :D
I've a video from, hayley covering some body I used to know ft fun at bbc radio 1 Live Lounge May 16th 2012. just listen :D
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012
I Hate....
- Waiting, so annoying and damned boring!
- Washing my plate after eat (no! no!)
- Disturb with other people
- Meet some lizard! (so damned monster)
- Loading, pending (oh my god)
- Washing my plate after eat (no! no!)
- Disturb with other people
- Meet some lizard! (so damned monster)
- Loading, pending (oh my god)
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
My prayer
Ya allah..
I want to use instagram too..
I really want to sharing my photos..
I hope, blackberry as soon as light have this application in their app world..
#okesorry #udahgituaja
I want to use instagram too..
I really want to sharing my photos..
I hope, blackberry as soon as light have this application in their app world..
#okesorry #udahgituaja
100 things
100 Things
found this on Aditya Ghina O's blog, and mind to re-post it. Enjoy
001. Name: Celya Ayu Pradipta
002. Nickname(s): Celya, Ayu, Celup, Amak, Anak, Mom, Kak Ayu
003. Status:Single and very happy
004. Zodiac sign: Taurus
005. Male or female: Female
006. Elementary School: Pembangunan E.S and 18 E.S
007. Middle School: 12 JHS padang
008. High School: I'll (insya allah SHS 1 padang) (aaamiin)
009. Smart: Playing guitar, drawing, blogging, math, lauhging
010. Hair color:I dont know. black maybe
011. Tall or short: Tall
012. Loud or Quiet: hyperactive
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Both
015. Health freak: low-exhaustion
016. Drink or Smoke: neither till the end
017. Do you have a crush on someone: ???!!!!
018. Eat or Drink: both
019. Piercings: wanna on the tounge, but..
020. Tattoos: Never!
021. Drink you like : lemon tea and water
022. Right or left-handed: right-handed
023. First Piercings: ear
024. First best friend: everyone that closer to me i call
them bestfriend
025. First award: poem contest, smart contest, olimpiade
026. First crush: my future :')
027. First pet: Cats
028. First big vacation: Jogjakarta
029. First concert : In front of my TV
030. First big birthday: at my Fifteen!
031. First big fight: at six grade
032. First sport : cardio
033. First enemy: myself
034. First phobia: Oh my God! Lizard!
035. First celebrity idol :I dont remember
036. First can read Al-quran : at five years
037. First bad impression : arrogant
038. Eating: banana
039. Drinking: mineral water
040. Listening to: Monster - Paramore
041. doing to : open this site
042. Waiting for: Paramore's mention
043. Wearing: My clothes
044. Worried about: my finance hahaha
045. Loving: my super mom and my hero dad and my sister & brother
046. Missing : weight *eyescrolling*
047. Planning for today: take a rest and didn't stay up
048. College: English literature
049. aspiration : as a the best guitarist in the world
050. bitter : drug
051. sweet : sugar
052. Penny: weirdo
053. Stop: a sea
054. square and yellow : spongebob :D
055. penny : what is that mean?
056. supermoon : the biggest moon --___--
057. Debt : no, lucky me
058. Want kids: one daughter and one son
059. Want to get married : yes with someone who promise always beside and love me
060. Careers in mind : Great guitarist and the best indonesian people in America
061. want to give the best for my parents : absolutely , YES !
062. Lips or eyes: eyes
063. Hugs or kisses: hugs
064. Shorter or taller: taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous: both
066. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms
067. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
068. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
069. Older or younger: older
070. Richer or poorer: normal (hope rich)
071. Smart or witty: smart
072. Trouble maker or hesitant: neither
073. High maintenance or plain: some people said plain "_"
074. Glasses or contacts: glasses
075. Rigid or moody: moody
076. Lots of friends or no friends: lots of friends
077. Kissed a stranger: no
078. Lost glasses/contacts: often
079. Forgotten a password: often
080. Blacked out :no
081. Broken someone’s heart: maybe
082. Been arrested : never, lucky me
083. Seen a monster: yes!
084. Ran away from home : no
085. Felt like dying : once
086. Killed an animal : many times
087. Cheated :sometimes
088. Cried when someone died : ever
089. God : 100%
090. Yourself : of course
091. Miracles : yeah!
092. Love at first sight : no
093. Heaven : YES
094. Santa Claus : no
095. Fairies : no
096. Kiss on the first date: no
097. Angels : if it means 'malaikat', I do believe
098. Is there one person you want to be with right now : yes
099. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: yes, I'm
100. Re-post?: (read this post's first line)
I have a mustache
I already get a thing on my speakers. And then I get an idea. I wear that thing on the top of my mouth, so I look like have a mustache. I took some picture last night. but I'm not look like a handsome boy. what's wrong? yeah I've a long hair, and it make me look like a beautiful girl. oh my God. that's all
4L 4Y we called it ALAY
how's life?!
oke, cuma mau iseng-iseng ngeshare gaya-gaya foto alay.
mulai dari angka 1 sampai angka 10.
check it out aja deh :D
oke that's all. taukah betapa payahnya gue ngambil foto-foto ini. yaah demi sebuah posting gue rela jadi alay sementara -__-
oke, cuma mau iseng-iseng ngeshare gaya-gaya foto alay.
mulai dari angka 1 sampai angka 10.
check it out aja deh :D
oke that's all. taukah betapa payahnya gue ngambil foto-foto ini. yaah demi sebuah posting gue rela jadi alay sementara -__-
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012
Monster - Paramore
You were my conscious
So solid, now your like water
And we started drowning
Not like we sink any farther
So solid, now your like water
And we started drowning
Not like we sink any farther
But I let my heart go
It’s somewhere down at the bottom
But I’ll get a new one
And come back for the hope that you’ve stolen
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
I’m only human
I’ve got a skeleton in me
But I’m not the villain
Despite what your always preaching
I’ve got a skeleton in me
But I’m not the villain
Despite what your always preaching
Call me a trader
I’m just collecting your victims
And there getting stronger
I hear them calling
(I hear them calling)
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
When you find a strength and solutions
But I like the tension
And not always knowing the answers
Well your gonna lose it… Your gonna lose it
But I like the tension
And not always knowing the answers
Well your gonna lose it… Your gonna lose it
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world
I’ll stop the whole world
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
I’ll stop the whole world… from turning into a monster
Eating us alive
Don’t you ever wonder how we survived
Now that your gone
The world is ours
Happy Birthday 23rd Hayley Williams
December, 27th 1988
An Amazing Girl was Born!
I know this posting is too late. but I get this video on youtube this morning, I want to sharing :D
An Amazing Girl was Born!
I know this posting is too late. but I get this video on youtube this morning, I want to sharing :D
Hayley Williams - Bad Romance (cover)
That's a good voice hayley. who is better? I like hayley singing this song. love this very much!
Jumat, 11 Mei 2012
Paramore 2005 to 2011 :')
They have grown so fast :')
I love them so much :D
photos from :
(Bukan) Puisi Cupcakes
Painting Tekno (wooo)
Pagi ini, gue baru aja buat sebuah gambar yang sangar menarik. kalian tau ini masih pagi, dan pastinya ide gue lagi lancar-lancarnya tersalurkan. sehingga gue menghasilkan gambar yang indah ini. dan gue juga tau pasti kalian semua pada penasaran. jadi check it out :D
bagus kan? iya gue tau ini gambarnya bagus banget :')
gue pun terharu kalau kalian terharu :')
tunggu aja karya-karya gue selanjutnya :')
Pagi ini, gue baru aja buat sebuah gambar yang sangar menarik. kalian tau ini masih pagi, dan pastinya ide gue lagi lancar-lancarnya tersalurkan. sehingga gue menghasilkan gambar yang indah ini. dan gue juga tau pasti kalian semua pada penasaran. jadi check it out :D
bagus kan? iya gue tau ini gambarnya bagus banget :')
gue pun terharu kalau kalian terharu :')
tunggu aja karya-karya gue selanjutnya :')
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
Leaving on a Jet Plane
All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breaking
Its early morn
The taxis waiting
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
Its early morn
The taxis waiting
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
Theres so many times I’ve let you down
So many times I’ve played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Every place I go, I’ll think of you
Every song I sing, I’ll sing for you
When I come back, I’ll bring your wedding ring
So many times I’ve played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Every place I go, I’ll think of you
Every song I sing, I’ll sing for you
When I come back, I’ll bring your wedding ring
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don;t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don;t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say
Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
But, I’m leaving on a jet plane
Don’t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
Don’t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
My American Family
Trend Twitter word
dunia semakin berubah, gaya berbahasa pun udah semakin bermacam-macam. terlebih anak twitter, udah kayak trenseter aja
1. O
biasanya sih untuk ngegondesin orang >..<
2, so, I must say wow gitu?
sama aja, dipakai tukang gondes!
3. ngets
ini nggak ngerti deh ntar kel-alay-an atau ke-gaul-an
4. serba diakhiri W
iyaw, maaciw, samaw-samaw. ntah apa maksudnya gue nggak tau :p
5. berhashtag ria
cukup tau deh
hahaha, ini cuma versi gue. jadi nggak usah protes!
1. O
biasanya sih untuk ngegondesin orang >..<
2, so, I must say wow gitu?
sama aja, dipakai tukang gondes!
3. ngets
ini nggak ngerti deh ntar kel-alay-an atau ke-gaul-an
4. serba diakhiri W
iyaw, maaciw, samaw-samaw. ntah apa maksudnya gue nggak tau :p
5. berhashtag ria
cukup tau deh
hahaha, ini cuma versi gue. jadi nggak usah protes!
gue tau itu udah telat banget. tapi apa mau dikata, gue nggak punya uang.
walaupun telat yang penting di traktir datri pada nggak sama sekali? nah loh pilih yang mana?!
jadi gini, gue traktir merek di "WARUNG KITO" you know what, disana enak and fortunately murah! (yeaaay). yang iku itu Dhia, Qonitah, Ika, Disha. sayangnya Nichak nggak ikut because psbm :D
semua menu yang dipesan ludes sampai buat eksperimen makan yang entah bagaimaa rasanya *LOL
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Qoni, Disha, Me :D photograph by Ika :D |
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sup ntah apa-apa ala chef DHIA :p |
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sapi lada hitam (kalau nggak salah) |
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mi gorang special :p |
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ika with qonitah :D |
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orang kaya :p |
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hmm -__- |
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mi hongkong (yeaay) |
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kak ngoks :D |
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the water :') photograph by me (ngambil fotonya susah loh) |
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dompet, hp, novel punya ika semua ORANG KAYAAAA :p |
photos from :
WowPost :o
barusan habis ngakak baca sesuatu. Why? Actually that's not funny. tapi ngakak karna semuanya muna. yang satu jelekin ini, yang ini jelekin yang ini lagi. nah yang ini ni jelekin yang ini lagi. jadi yang nganggap dirinya benar ternyata juga salah. dia ngomongin orang jelek-jelek secara tidak sadar mereka ngomongin diri mereka sendiri. hahahaha, tu pes semua >..<
Siap UN sih :D
kelas 9 itu emang paling sibuk. nah alhamdulillah gue udah siap UN dan insya allah sukses (aamiin)
eits, siap UN langsung pulang, ya enggaklah. gue pergi main kerumah dhia :D together with ina, sintia and nichak. so happy!!
4 dari sekiaaaaaaan banyak foto yang ada. hahah get happiness at that time :D
photos from :
eits, siap UN langsung pulang, ya enggaklah. gue pergi main kerumah dhia :D together with ina, sintia and nichak. so happy!!
photos from :
Postingan (Atom)